Health and medicine collections that are designed for teaching and learning

Health education goes far beyond traditional classroom lectures – so content supporting evidence-based assessments and real-world training is more crucial than ever. With multi-format content from sought-after publishers, ProQuest’s health and medical collections improve teaching and learning outcomes for programs in medicine, consumer health, public health, healthcare administration
and more. A wealth of videos, dissertations, journals and other resources prepare tomorrow’s healthcare professionals to deliver high-quality patient care

Health & Medicine Collections

APA Research Databases

APA Research Databases

数据库, 健康与医学, 健康与医学, 社会科学, 心理学
British Nursing Database

British Nursing Database

数据库, 护理, 健康与医学, 健康与医学
Health & Medical Collection

Health & Medical Collection

数据库, 健康与医学, 健康与医学


数据库, 健康与医学, 健康与医学
Mental Health and Wellbeing Ebook Subscription

Mental Health and Wellbeing Ebook Subscription

Books, 社区学院, 学术, 健康与医学, 健康与医学, 心理学
Nursing & Allied Health Premium

Nursing & Allied Health Premium

Databases, 公共图书馆, 社区学院, 学术, 护理, 健康与医学, 健康与医学
ProQuest One Psychology

ProQuest One Psychology

Databases, 健康与医学, 健康与医学, 心理学


书, 社区学院, 学术, 政府, 健康与医学, 健康与医学