A comprehensive collection of copyrighted, American, twentieth-century poetry, this database covers more than 316 of the most important and studied poets and includes over 52,000 works.

The database includes the works of most major twentieth-century American poets, beginning with the traditionalists; continuing through the modernists, represented by such poets as Wallace Stevens; and moving on to the contemporary works of the 1990s.

The broad coverage of Twentieth-Century American Poetry includes collected works and individual volumes of poetry from all the major movements and schools, including the New School, the Chicago School, the Southern School, the Confessionals, the Beats, and the Black Mountain poets.

Among the poets included are: Michael Anania, Robert Bly, Robert Creeley, James Dickey, Robert Frost, Allen Ginsberg, Michael S. Harper, Edwin Honig, David Ignatow, Robinson Jeffers, Denise Levertov, Audre Lorde, Philip Levine, Josephine Miles, Charles Olson, Theodore Roethke, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Sylvia Plath, Carl Sandburg, Karl Shapiro, Sara Teasdale, James Wright, and Adrienne Rich.

Twentieth-Century American Poetry
