APA content, tools and functionality – all in one place

The American Psychological Association (APA)’s electronic resources span the full breadth and depth of psychology research. Now, researchers can enjoy the same content, features and functionality they expect from APA databases – with the added benefits of searching on the ProQuest platform.

The American Psychological Association is world renowned for its digital resources to support student and researcher success.

APA PsycArticles, APA PsycInfo, APA PsycBooks and APA PsycTests are all available on the award-winning ProQuest platform with the same content, tools and functionality that users get directly from the APA.

With ProQuest, APA content is cross-searchable with hundreds of other databases – including ProQuest Central, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, Psychology Database, Nursing & Allied Health Database, and the Health Research Premium Collection.

At a glance:

  • Access to APA PsycArticles, APA PsycInfo, APA PsycBooks and APA PsycTests
  • Professional indexing by APA experts
  • Cross-searchable with other ProQuest health and medical content

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